уторак, 3. мај 2011.

Woodbadge School-Gemini in Plzeň

Gemini is woodbadge school, and it´s actually two scout courses in one-woodbadge course Castor and instruktor course Pollux. It consists of four weekends during the year. First weekend, where I was also present, was motivational weekend for Castor team. Castor team is learner team, and when members of this team finish the first part consisting of four weekends, they will be leaders of scou units. The first weekend was the weekend with games. Learner team had a game according to the famous poem Máj(Karel Hynek Mácha). And, after that, they had some lecture.
I noticed that there is a difference between woodbadge school, here and in Serbia. In Serbia, there is one term for school, and usually it lasts for two weeks. Everything is organized in the nature. Learners sleeps in the tents, they have lecture about orientation in the space, about programme, some practical things (how to make different patents from wood, ect.), lectures about pedagogy, ect. And when they finish with woodbadge school, they will be the leaders of different scout units.

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