уторак, 17. мај 2011.

Skauting pro všechny - Scouting for all

The group "Scouting for all" brings together individuals from the scout movement and the professional community- everybody for whom it is important to open Scouting to all children with special needs.
Individual needs of each child are recognized and met in Junák, so that Scout can fully develop the individual potential of every child and benefit from his/her unique contribution to the group. Handicaps (medical, social, or other) are not an obstacle for the development of the child in the Scout group, or they are as much as possible eliminated to a minimum. Interaction of children in a diverse group leads to their self-knowledge and personal development . The children become tolerant to the limitations and failures of theirs and of the others. Virtually all children know that they are welcome in Scout groups and that if they wish, they can successfully participate in their activities.
The mission of the group "Scouting for all" is to enable all children to grow up in diverse groups. This will contribute to their personal development, greater tolerance in the society and a deeper fulfillment of the mission of Junák as a whole.
Society we live in is essentially diverse. All of us can be enriched by this diversity and we wish, that this natural diversity would be represented in the Scout movement.


понедељак, 9. мај 2011.

ObRok 2011

Every second year a big national rover moot ObRok is held.ObRok(literally BiAnnually)brings together more than 800 young people from all over the Czech Republic, for five days full of exciting program.
This year event took the place in Blansko, town near Brno. It was well organized scout event, with almost 1,000 rovers, plus people from servis team. I was there like a part of the servis team, but all the time I was with participants, with the rovers from Zápy, and with the rovers from Prague. Program consisted of different workshops, games, voluntary work, and some lectures. Also, I was there like a part of the International team, and I had lecture about volunteering(EVS).
Best part for me was day with games, Inspiro Day, when the rovers organized different games, it was so funny and interestingly.And day with voluntary work(Pomoc), all the rovers went to the town and helped to different institutions, such as, hospital, school, kindergarten, senior homes, ect.
And unforgettable workshop was in the forest, climbing with people from Lanáč(http://www.lanac.eu/), really great experience.

уторак, 3. мај 2011.

Woodbadge School-Gemini in Plzeň

Gemini is woodbadge school, and it´s actually two scout courses in one-woodbadge course Castor and instruktor course Pollux. It consists of four weekends during the year. First weekend, where I was also present, was motivational weekend for Castor team. Castor team is learner team, and when members of this team finish the first part consisting of four weekends, they will be leaders of scou units. The first weekend was the weekend with games. Learner team had a game according to the famous poem Máj(Karel Hynek Mácha). And, after that, they had some lecture.
I noticed that there is a difference between woodbadge school, here and in Serbia. In Serbia, there is one term for school, and usually it lasts for two weeks. Everything is organized in the nature. Learners sleeps in the tents, they have lecture about orientation in the space, about programme, some practical things (how to make different patents from wood, ect.), lectures about pedagogy, ect. And when they finish with woodbadge school, they will be the leaders of different scout units.